Samples of achievment
The different axes of development of our business ECOTREAT are the following:
- The process CLEAN IN LINE:
This project consists to apply an anti-adherent coating on supports used on a painting line that allow to ease the extra-paint stripping accumulated on these supports cycle after cycle. This stripping can be automatized by our teams in charge of « Specific Equipment » design. It can be done either by pressurized air jet either by cryogenic (projection of solid carbon dioxide pellets) or other process… This process allows you to internalize this stripping phase. It will enable you to realize it on your painting lines and save the need to have a double set of supports. It will reduce your logistics costs and reduce the environmental foot print eliminating either chemical or thermal stripping.
- The unmold process:
In this case we apply a non-stick coating resisting to abrasion on molds allowing to extend the life time of molds, to ease the unmolding of parts and to facilitate the stripping operation on the molds.
- The DOTA process:
This process is a way of stripping alfa case (titanium oxide) that forms on titanium parts when warmed à 450°C. This mechanical stripping replaces the present process based on a chemical attack very aggressive. Here again, it allows to internalize this phase. That leads to do economies in logistic and shortcut the manufacturing delay. It also leads to a reduction of the environmental foot print of the present process.
- The CHOPIN project:
This project is part of the CLEANSKY H2020 program financed by Europe. The consortium is leaded by Airbus in Deutschland to create a non-stick coating, UV, abrasion and thermal shock resistant. The scope of this project is to reduce the fuel consumption of planes avoiding the sticking of insects on the leading edges of the wings.